
2019年10月5日—SomemajorsitessuchasYahoo,Gmail,Flickr,ClassmatesandFacebookhavealreadystoppedsupportingInternetExplorerandtherewillbemore.,2022年3月21日—Onceloggedin,rightclickanywehereonthepageandselectInspect.Atthetoppfthedeveloperpanel,selecttheApplication ...,2020年10月21日—Thishasbeenworkingfineforaboutamonth,butastwodaysagofacebookissayingthatmybrowserisunsupported.Ihavethelatestversionof...


2019年10月5日 — Some major sites such as Yahoo, Gmail, Flickr, Classmates and Facebook have already stopped supporting Internet Explorer and there will be more.

Getting the issue of unsupported browser for facebook #718

2022年3月21日 — Once logged in, right click anywehere on the page and select Inspect. At the top pf the developer panel, select the Application ...

I have the latest version of Chrome. Facebook is telling me ...

2020年10月21日 — This has been working fine for about a month, but as two days ago facebook is saying that my browser is unsupported. I have the latest version of chrome.

Facebook reports Samsung Internet is an unsupporte...

2022年10月12日 — There's nothing wrong with the Samsung browser, it's just uncommon and Facebook doesn't recognize its ID, if all features work fine, go ahead ...

What Is an Unsupported Browser and How Do I Fix It?

2022年8月18日 — An unsupported browser means that you are using a browser that is out of date and may not provide the best experience.

How do I update my web browser to potentially fix ...

To optimize your Facebook experience, please download the most up-to-date version of your web browser. Just follow the links below.

I'm seeing a problem with how Facebook appears on my ...

You may be able to fix this issue by clearing your cache and temporary data. You can do this from your web browser's settings or preferences.

Unsupported browser message from FB?

2020年10月30日 — Edit- figured it out. It's the FB response to the Fluff Busting Purity Revert extension. Remove extension, problem gone.